Medical Devices
Meril Contributes to Build the Atmanirbhar Bharat

Once upon a time, the world was busy running businesses around, bringing in industrial revolutions day by day, creating new platforms for more international trades. Then one gloomy day, the first case of novel pandemic of COVID-19 came up and gradually affected the whole world. Everything came to a stop, suddenly the animals were free and the entire human race was caged in their homes. But is that all? The worldwide economy is reeling under the COVID-19 impact, so how do we see the bright future in such scenarios? And what is this Atma Nirbhar Bharat Abhyan, our honorable prime minister, Mr. Narendra Modi is talking about? Does this mean we have to cut all international ties?
As David McCord Wright, a great American economist mentioned in his book, ‘Open secret of economic growth’ that “the basic factors accountable for an economic growth are majorly non-materialistic and non-economic in character. Body is useless without the spirit.” This indicates that being self-reliant and self-sufficient has always been the ideal model of business even back in times. This is what the countrywide Atma Nirbhar Abhyan is all about. The world’s current state taught us something valuable that no revolution or evolution could teach us. When every other country was pinned down to ground by the corona virus, India showed positive signs, gave us hope that yes, we can fight it, only if we fight this together as a country.
These desperate times showed us, that only becoming self-reliant can help us fight this and moreover enabling us to help other nations too. For decades, we have been told that 21st century will be about India, it seems it is indeed the century of India.
Atma Nirbhar and Vocal for Local are the campaign which will open great opportunities for India Business arena and not in the terms of patriotism but with the sole purpose of achievement.
So being a part of one of the major industries, Health care, Meril is contributing to last bits by bringing in innovations and advanced products dedicated to improve the quality of life. Vocal for local is not to push Indians to settle for second or third grade quality products just to become a slef0sufficient nation. However, it is push them to incorporate ethic and morals while doing business, to manufacture the best quality product in our nation itself. Meril is one such company, after years of research to bring better and much advanced medical devices to India.
Meril is an Indian company which has launched the most innovative and effective products especially designed for Asian patients. It is important to understand that the geographies the humans are born in, brought up in, shape their bodies and control anatomical functioning of their bodies. For example, Asians have smaller and rounder knees compared to other patients globally. When going for major surgeries like angioplasty, a heart valve replacement surgery or knee replacement surgeries such anatomical features of the body play a pivotal role. These are just few examples of many other indigenously designed medical devices at Meril. This is what Dr. Ashok thinks about Meril and the credibility it has generated through its innovative remodeling in medtech industry. (
Don’t take us for our words rather see for yourself, as to what PadmaShri, Dr. A.B. Mehta, one of the pioneers of Interventional cardiologist in India has to say about the Make in India initiative. (
Meril has been changing the future of cardio-vascular therapies through products like Myval, Meres 100, Biomime MorphTM, and the whole Bimoime family of stents designed with hybrid technology.
For years, treating bifurcation lesions, long lesions, or even treating bicuspid valves have been associated with major complications. Even the most experienced cardiologist frown upon how to eliminate these risks and give their patients a new life. Meril has not only launched products to reduce these risks but also incorporated high end designs and technologies to ease up the surgical procedure for patients’ comfort.
Meril has become the face of one of the most innovative and supreme quality products for major surgeries like angioplasty, knee replacement surgeries, and aortic valve replacement surgeries. Not just in India but Meril has been appreciated globally for designing their product around the concept of excellence and delivering quality products for improving the life quality even after the complex surgeries.
Even in the current battle with the virus, Meril has launched India’s 1st Indigenous COVID-19 multiplex RT–PCR kit with high specificity and sensitivity. After the much talked about ban of importing testing kits from China, Indian health industry has been working aggressively to manufacture as many testing kits which deliver accurate results.
Dark and gloomy days make us appreciate even a tiny ray of light. The economic devastations caused by pandemic crisis are of gigantic fractions. It is uncertain as to when the losses incurred will be recovered back however, the increased demand of products manufacture domestically can bring in the fortune back chunk by chunk. To emphasis on these campaigns with a boost, India is now the second largest producer of PPE kits. Being a self-sufficient nation not only bring encouraging developmental changes for itself but becomes an inspiration the rest of the world too.
This is the time to realize that we, Indians hold infinite capabilities to rise above all as a nation. Not promoting the protectionism in the industrial arena but we, Indians have been overlooking the best practices in our own nation to what is being practised in foreign land. It is time, we bring all the knowledge and young bright minds back to home. Indian can transform itself. We at Meril are doing our best to create more and bring in more innovations.