Medical Devices
Anal fistula - Symptoms & Treatment
December 09, 2020
A fistula is an abnormal connection between any two organs, blood vessels or tissues. A fistula could be formed from an abscess, i.e. a pocket of pus in the body. The abscess could continuously be filling with body fluids like urine or stool, which prevents healing. It eventually breaks through to the skin, another organ or body cavity, and creates a fistula.
Medical Devices
8 Early signs that you might need pregnancy test
December 09, 2020
If you’re trying to conceive and are doing everything right, you may be wondering ‘how early is too early’ to find out if you’re pregnant. While you look for those early pregnancy signs, we suggest you take a test for an early detection of pregnancy. Although there are several OTC pregnancy tests, the truth is that they are not always accurate. As such, it is better to visit a clinic and get your pregnancy confirmed. Not only are clinical tests accurate, today you can get your results in under 10 minutes.
Medical Devices
Hernia: Types, Symptoms, Treatment
November 30, 2020
The chances of developing a hernia increases with age. Anything that can increase pressure inside the abdomen will only increase the risks further. Excessive coughing, weight-lifting, obesity and even pregnancy can increase the chances of developing a hernia. The best thing to do, if you notice a small bulge near your groin is to seek medical help. If the hernia is benign, you will not need any serious intervention. However, if the intestine is stuck, it would be smart to get it back in place immediately with surgery. Do not brush it under the carpet as the condition will only worsen with time.