Training & Education
Life-Changing Solutions To Help Your Heart So You Are Free To Follow It

Founded in 2006, Meril is an Indian, global medical device company that is dedicated to the innovation, design, and development of novel, clinically relevant and state-of-the-art devices. To fulfill this, we are committed to R&D, innovation in manufacturing medical technologies.
Interventional Cardiologists from different countries like Dr. Guy Eric Letcher from South Africa says he is impressed with Meril’s rapid growth and innovation and the quality of the product especially the Transcatheter Aortic Valve (TAVR) and the Myval technology. He was equally impressed on his first visit to India with the incredibly positive energy & revolution.
Dr. Gilberto Interventional Cardiologist from Colombia was in awe on his 1st visit to the Meril plant encountering one of the best technologies, security, and standard of quality of the products.
It is a proud moment for us when top KOL’s from around the globe recognize the quality of work we do and recognize our strength which is Innovation.