Product Overview- QUADRO HIV 1-2 Ab is a rapid flow through in-vitro qualitative assay for the detection of antibodies to HIV-1 and HIV-2 human serum & plasma. QUADRO HIV 1-2 Ab is designed to detect antibodies specific to envelope glycoproteins of HIV-1 and HIV-2 by using unique combination of synthetic and recombinant antigens in the same device differentially.
- Flow through based differential detecion of HIV -1 and HIV -2
- Synthetic peptides coated on HIV 1 and HIV 2 region
- Uniquely formulated recobinant proteins coated at HIV 1+2 region
- Synthetic Peptides coated on HIV 1 and HIV 2 individual Test Region
- Uniquely formulated Recombinant Proteins Coated on HIV 1 + 2 Test Region
- Synthetic Peptides detects antibodies against the serotype specific linear epitopes
- Recombinant Peptides detects antibodies against the conformational epitopes
- Differential detection of HIV 1 and HIV 2
- Detects antibodies against all group of HIV (M,N and O) including subtype 'C'
- Sensitivity: 100% and specificity: 99.5%
- No Hook effect
- Results in 3 minutes
- User Friendly Protocol
What is the unique advantage of using Quadro?
Combination of recombinant and synthetic antigens coated on the card, ensure double screening confirmation
What does Quadro HIV detect ?
igG antibodies against HIV
What is the window period of Quadro?
Approx 4 weeks
Which Conjugate is used in Quadro?
Gold+Protein A conjugate
What is the use of the buffer in Quadro?
It washes away any non specific/unbond antibodies present in the patient sample
is Quadro a confirmation test?
No, it is a preliminary Screening test which needs to be verified atleast twice using other methods such as Lateral Flow, Western Blot, ELISA, CLIA,RT-PCR