
Delivering Advanced Healthcare Solutions Through Research And Innovation To Improve The Quality Of Human Life

Medical Devices

Drug Eluting Stent: What is It & How It is Implanted? | Meril Life

March 17, 2021

Drug Eluting Stent What is It & How It is Implanted

A stent is a tiny, metal mesh tube or a scaffold-like device designed to support the artery walls and prevent plaque from blocking the blood flow. Once the doctor implants the stent in an artery, the blood flows more freely to the part of the patient's heart which that artery was supposed to supply blood to. A drug-eluting stent or DES is a metal stent coated with a pharmacologic agent or drug. This type of stent is known for suppressing restenosis, i.e. the closing up or re-blocking of an artery after an angioplasty as a result of excess tissue growth at the edge of or inside the stent. In modern practice, most patients are treated with such drug eluting stents.

Medical Devices

3 types of Orthopedic Implants you need to know before undergoing surgery

March 16, 2021

Types of Orthopedic Implants

As people begin to age, they may start experiencing pain in their joints and bones. This pain can be acute, especially if someone suffers a traumatic injury in an accident or if their joints or bones are degenerating due to a chronic condition. In such a case, they may need to consult an orthopaedic surgeon to determine the course of treatment. In case the pain is not managed with medication, an orthopaedic implant may be deemed the best solution. The implant helps stabilise the muscular system and improves mobility and flexibility in the patient. Let’s understand what are orthopaedic implants and the different types of orthopaedic implants. 

Medical Devices

Knee Replacement : Myths and Facts

February 19, 2021

Knee Replacement Myths and Facts

Myths are the widely accepted ideologies that are popularly followed but lack scientific value and evidence. In every medical culture, especially in the orthopaedic segment, there exist various myths that have no scientific basis and are followed as misconceptions.
